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Tag: money

If You Are Not Doing These 5 Things You’re leaving Money on the Table

If You Are Not Doing These 5 Things You’re leaving Money on the Table

It’s important to be conscious about money and who doesn’t like to save a little when they can? You may have tried coupons, buying strictly on sale, pouring over ads or shopping several different stores for groceries. While you can save some money with these ideas, most mentioned feel like gimmicks. For example shopping sales… you go to four different stores to get what’s on sale at each and try to plan a meal menu around those items. When you…

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Cloth Diapering: Helpful Information

Cloth Diapering: Helpful Information

Cloth Diapering So you’re thinking about using cloth diapers…. Do it!! Please note: this post may contain affiliate links. Cloth diapers save millions of pounds of plastic and chemicals from being put into a land fill. They also look super cute and our baby has experienced less rashes with cloth (we use disposables at certain times such as vacations). Cloth diapers are a bit intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of using them it’s pretty easy. There…

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10 Ways Anyone Can Save Money

10 Ways Anyone Can Save Money

Please note: this post may contain affiliate links. Turn off the lights (and other electrical items when you aren’t using them). This also helps the environment by saving energy. While you’re at it, don’t let the water run and run while you’re doing things like brushing your teeth, scrubbing a dish etc. Spend money buying good food (not eating out). Each time my husband and I go out to eat we spend $30-$40 minimum. We can cook a gourmet meal…

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