About the Author

About the Author



My name is Abbey and I am a mom, teacher, wife, crafter, and lover of pets, travel, art, fo0d and much more. I enjoy writing and research and am very passionate about education and environmental protection.

As someone who researches on the web, through experience and conversation regularly, I decided I  wanted to contribute to the conversation and share some of the amazing products, resources, tips and tricks that have been useful to me thus far in my worlds of teaching, parenting and all realms of life. That being said, I know some people will disagree with me or have different ideas. I encourage conversation and am totally ok if people disagree with my ideas. My hope for everyone is that people approach each other seeking to understand and as Ellen says “be kind to one another.” With an open mind, kindness and a desire to understand others, I believe we can all make a difference and help build each other up for the greater good. 🙂

As I mentioned, much of my own research and learning comes from the web and conversations with others so this blog is also a place to chit chat about topics. I also have links to Pinterest and other sites where you can find my own products and resources as well as those I’ve found helpful or meaningful from others. I appreciate you visiting and engaging in my blog and value your following and feedback. I hope I can save you time and and add light, creativity and conservation to your day. Lastly, as I am a new blogger I hope you will be kind and grant me grace while I explore this new endeavor.

Thanks for stopping by!




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