Packing Your Bag for your Labor & Hospital Stay

Packing Your Bag for your Labor & Hospital Stay

Hospital List…Ready… Set… Here We Go!

There are a million lists out there for what to bring to the hospital on the big day. Here are the things I found most essential.

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1. A playlist of your favorite music. Having MY music saved me. I had about 100 of my favorite (very random) songs on a playlist on my iPad. This absolutely saved me during the really hard contractions and even toward the end when I was pushing. It was also fun hearing the doctors’ and nurses’ responses to the music. We had lots of compliments – they all seemed to love the noise distraction and the unique mix.
2. A nursing nightgown and light robe. As soon as I got to recovery I wanted a shower and my own clothes. It felt amazing to put on soft, cotton that was my own style and a million other people hadn’t worn. I recommend a dark color (you may have some leakage and don’t want to ruin it) and something light with nursing straps so it will be usable beyond the hospital. I purchased mine from Motherhood Maternity and still wear it (my baby is now 17 months). It was also nice to have something comfy with nursing straps for home as well.
3. Snacks for you and more importantly your partner. You will most likely have snacks and maybe even full meals available to you from the hospital. Your partner, who will also have plenty of work and no time to get away for food will also need to eat. Often snacks and meals are free for the patient but guests are charged. We brought a variety of fruit, trailmix, granola bars and chocolate as well as coffee drinks and water. It seems like a lot to tote along but when my labor ended up lasting 38 hours with 2 days after that for recovery the snacks were really a nice touch of home (we brought things we usually snack on around the house) and saved us money for sure.
4. Clothes (that fit when you are still preggo) to go home in and clothes for baby to wear home. Though you’ll surely be a few pounds lighter, chances are it will take a few weeks for your uterus to fully shrink back down and your pre-preggers yoga pants may not be the best choice to pack. Also pack something presentable, yet comfortable. You may need to grab prescriptions or other essentials you didn’t know you’d need on the way home so wear something you don’t mind going to the drug store in.

Your baby will also need clothes. Think about the season and pick outfits accordingly. As snuggly as those fleece sleepers are, if you have a July baby you may want to opt for something on the lighter side such as cotton jammies. You’ll also want to give yourself a few sizes. If you have a surprisingly small or large baby like I did you may find yourself struggling to find something to go home in. Also remember socks, a hat and blanket.

5. Car seat. You can’t leave the hospital without an approved, unexpired car seat. I recommend getting to know the straps etc before the big day when you have time and are not overwhelmed.

6. Camera. You’ll want to remember as much of this special time as possible, but unfortunately sleep deprivation and all the hard work you’ll be doing makes it hard to remember everything. We used our iPhones and that was perfect- just be sure you have plenty of memory left… You don’t want to be wasting time deleting photos and texts while you’re trying but to bond with your new sweetie.

7. An app to track feedings, diapers, sleep etc. You will need to keep track of feedings and diapers the first few weeks or more. This can be very difficult in the beginning… Do yourself a favor and download an app to save yourself from having to write every wet diaper down. I used Sprout and it worked wonderfully. It even allowed me to easily track which side I fed on and I could input missed feelings or diapers when I forgot to log them. When the nurses asked me any questions I could just check the app.

8. Hairbrush, deodorant, toothbrush, chap-stick, socks and other basic essentials. You’ll need it. Enough said.

9. A book, phone, tablet, dvd or something to keep you entertained during and after labor.

10. A list of people to notify you’re in labor. Be sure your partner has the list of essential people to notify. You can also call or text as well, but chances are you may not want to or be able to deal with those things. I wanted nothing to do with my phone until I finally decided to get an epidural and was relaxed.

11. A fabulous bag to pack all your must haves. I was give a Thirty-One bag at my baby shower and LOVE, love, love it! I recommend checking them out. They have adorable designs and monogramming available for a fun touch as well.

12. Flip-flops or slippers. Just a good thing to have. I’m not much of a slipper wearer, but if you’re looking for a great pair of flip-flops try B.O.C. (Born on Concept). This brand of shoes is now my go to and my feet are happy once again :)… Preggo or not, they are comfy, stylish and affordable.

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